
Execute Transaction

Request address


POST request parameter description

Parameter name Data type Description Whether the field is required Remarks
trans_id integer Transaction id the table to be added Yes
set_id integer set id of the transaction Yes

Data Parameters

Use json format to represent the record related information. The following is an example:

    "trans_id": 404,
    "set_id": 126

Return Syntax

Return Parameter Description

  1. When the returned status code is not 200, it indicates that the transaction failed to execute, and the returned data is the message about the transaction failed to execute
  2. When the returned status code is 200, it indicates that the transaction is started to execute, and the returned data format is as follows:
Field name Data type Description Remarks
trans_id integer id of the corresponding transaction executed
set_id integer Set of the transaction

Note: You can query whether the transaction has been completed in combination with "3.11. Query Transaction Details". The status = 9 of the transaction indicates that the transaction has been successfully executed and completed. When the table-adding transaction has been successfully completed, it indicates that the table has been added successfully.

Request Example

Send A Request through the Curl Method

For the parameters in the command, please refer to the "Description of POST Request Parameters" on this page. For the method to obtain access-token, see: Get access-token

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X "POST" -d '{     "trans_id": 404,     "set_id": 126 }' http://omsaddress/app/newoms.php/webservice/oamp/transaction/executing?cmd=10002&ip-type=webservicerest&access-token=\

Return Example

Successful Return Example

Status of http request = 200

    "set_id": 126,
    "trans_id": 404

Failed Return Example

Status of http request != 200

    "trans_id": [
        "Transaction does not exist, cluster ID: 125, transaction ID: 404"
    "trans_id": [
        "The current transaction status does not allow to execute, and current transaction status: successfully completed"

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    No results matching ""